The theme for this year was a witch costume. As usual, Cara changed her mind multiple times during the months leading up to Halloween. As parents we tried to steer her towards a costume we could put together easily. So when the idea of a witch costume came up we were quite enthusiastic. The hat was easily purchased, the dress and cape gave Mom a chance to remember how to sew, but the broom turned out to be a little difficult. We have a proper-looking broom (not plastic), but it was way too big for her to carry. Mom turned to the neighborhood email list asking if anyone could help us out. We received multiple offers for loans, and found a perfect one with some glitter on it. Yeah for our neighborhood!

Prepping the pumpkin for carving is a big part of the Halloween tradition.

A chance to play with goopy stuff.

Look at these hands!

The witch flying out on Halloween night.