The first week wasn't exactly easy, especially regarding sleep. Which remains as issue, but mostly because our expectations keep increasing! She now sleeps mostly through the night in her crib, going to bed around 6:30 pm and usually requiring some pats and gentle sh's to go back to sleep when she wakes around 4 am. Some mornings we're lucky and she sleeps until 6 am, other mornings she is cooing in her crib by about 5:30 am. In either case she is okay hanging out in her crib babbling for about 30 minutes, so we never get her up until 6 am. Maybe as the sunrise gets later she'll start sleeping later?
Cara's early promise of crawling hasn't fully materialized into the full arms and knees version, but she can definitely move herself around just fine. At least on carpeting. Luckily she is still slow on the hardwoods (which is most of our house), although this morning when she really wanted to get to the cat she moved several feet in just a few minutes. The house isn't childproofed yet, but we have gates and cabinet locks so we're ready when she makes that next developmental jump.
And we are discovering that we've been blessed with a baby with generally a pretty easy temperament. Cara's on the high activity end, but in general hardly fusses and genuinely seems happy most of the time. Not extremely outgoing, but warms to new people fairly quickly. Her smile will melt steel, and possibly cameras since it is very hard to capture in a photo! We're still working on getting the full effect to post.
We saw the pediatrician two weeks ago and he gave Cara a clean bill of health. Since that time she's grown out of some onesies and pants, so all that formula she's chugging down isn't just passing through. Still working on getting her used to solid food.
Hopefully now that things have calmed down a bit and we're all a little more used to eachother we'll be able to post more often.
Addendum: I take that back. As of today (7/2) Cara is definitely crawling! We're not sure if we're delighted or terrified.
1 comment:
is that an awesome fridge i see peeking behind you guys! so many additions to your family! :)
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