Okay, I've fallen behind again. No huge changes over the last three weeks, but Cara is definitely growing in all directions. She's crawling just fine and getting faster every day, especially if there is a cat in sight. She has become a pro at pulling herself up to a stand on almost everything, including Mom's legs (doesn't even require long pants to hang on to any more). She has also become very skilled at sitting down from a stand, so we've had very few bonked heads recently. Ironically enough, most of the recent bonks have come from Cara falling backwards while sitting down. She starts waving her arms around and boom, over she goes. Luckily it isn't too far to the ground yet...
Cara is also turning out to be a water girl and loves her baths. The above photo is after a bath, luxuriating in a lovely new towel that a friend gave her. Life isn't so bad!
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