Amazing at it seems, Cara is now over a year old. It isn't so remarkable when you see her, with teeth popping in, a few first steps and a growing sense of what she wants and doesn't want. But the transformation over the last six months is incredible. The little baby we brought home six months ago is recognizable in our emerging toddler girl - she still has the same cheerful temperament and excitement to explore the world. But even the smile with which she greats that world has changed from a sunny grin to an eye-scrunching, face-encompassing expression.
Like mom, Cara has the mixed blessing of having a birthday close to Thanksgiving. On the plus, there is a better than even chance that she won't have to be in school (or at work) on her birthday. On the minus, Thanksgiving leftovers can end up dominating the birthday dinner. But we did our best to make both her first Thanksgiving and birthday (on Nov. 25th) special occasions.
Doing our best did not, unfortunately win out on the virus Cara picked up earlier in the week. She was in a great mood Thanksgiving morning and we have fun playing peek-a-boo over the couch, but by the time we woke her up from her afternoon nap, Cara was running a fever of over 101F. She spend an hour or so hanging out at mommy's side in a sling before being put down for her nights sleep. No Thanksgiving dinner this year, unfortunately.
The next day her fever was down below 100F, but our little girl still clearly sick and slept most of that and the next day. We had planned a small birthday party for her on Saturday afternoon, but when she was still clearly not feeling well canceled with most of the guests and just had two friends over for dinner. Cara was well enough to unwrap a few presents and eat some dinner. We served her some pumpkin custard in lieu of a birthday cake (she doesn't digest wheat well). She wasn't quite sure what to do with the candle, but was quite happy to tuck into that custard!

On Sunday Cara's fever was gone and we decided to still make a trip to the zoo in honor of her birthday. We were joined by a friend and her daughter, Emma, who are zoo pros. Despite the cold weather we saw gorillas, elephants, various tropical reptiles, and many other interesting critters. Of course Cara was equally fascinated by the squirrels and other children, but we think she had a good time. She was still definitely a little under the weather and we're looking forward to going again when she is feeling a little more herself.

The day culminated with another pumpkin custard (disappeared fast), a visit from her neighbor babysitter and mom, and an early bedtime. Cara remained under the weather for most of the rest of the week, not the best way to start her 2nd year. Eventually the smiley girl came back in full force. We are noticing an increasing number of stormy moments, as her toddler personality emerges!
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