We had a mellow day on Wednesday, with grandma and J's aunt going to pick up some bikes in the morning, leaving grandpa and J to take Cara out for a walk along the river in town. Cara and her grandparents bonded over playdoh and cookies in the afternoon, while J took off for a short run, exploring some of the local trails. At dinner in a local Mexican restaurant, Cara stole the show and was remarkably well behaved. Tortilla chips were a huge hit.

On Thursday we decided to try for more excitement, a nearby hike on Spruce Creek Trail. Cara slept for most of the hike it and, finding ourselves less than a mile from Mayflower Lake with Cara still in good spirits, we decided to make it a somewhat longer than expected trip. The extra time and considerable extra effort was well worth it, as we had Mayflower Lake and views of the surrounding peaks to ourselves. Luckily J's aunt brought extra goodies, since we had only packed snacks for our supposed morning outing!

After some food, the adults rested, enjoyed the scenery and watched Cara's delight in exploring the muddy shore of the lake. She pulled up rocks and happily splatted mud everywhere. What could be a better reason to hike! The only complaint was when Mom finally decided it was time to go and took Cara out to a slightly deeper spot for a good rinse. But Cara soon recovered her good spirits and consented to start scampering back down the trail, holding Mom's hand for the rough spots. Throwing sticks for the two dogs, and chasing the sticks herself, helped keep Cara amused for much of the return trip down the trail.

No trip to Breckenridge with children is complete without a hike up to the visiting horse camp. Cara was definitely impressed but couldn't decide if she wanted to pat them or not. She prefers animals a little more on her own scale.

Too soon we had to head back to Denver for our flight home. We gave ourselves time to take the scenic route, heading over Loveland Pass and getting out for a brief walk to take in some of the spectacular views. Unfortunately the wind was as breathtaking as the scenery, so we didn't get as long a walk as we had hoped for. Next time!
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