It hasn't been a great snow year in the Pacific Northwest, but Mom and Dad finally got in gear and headed on up to Snoqualmie Pass for some snow fun. A year certainly makes a difference, and while Cara wasn't at all sure about snow and sledding last year, this year she had no doubts. All aspects of snow were delightful!
Mom's a member of an alpine club that has a cabin at Snoqualmie Pass, with a small sledding hill. This year we were lucky enough to run into some other families who were also up for a day a sledding. Cara had a great time watching the bigger kids, and sometime trying to follow along.

Having fun.

Mom tries out the camera.

Being towed back up.

Catching air!

Enough sledding, this snow is fun to play peek-a-boo in. Not to mention tromping around, falling down, rolling in, building snow sculptures and knocking them down! Now that's a busy day.

The bigger kids had fun too - here's a sled train.

And here's the train wreck at the bottom!
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