Got a bit of a surprise today from our adoption agency that the court has already made the first ruling. Wow - didn't expect that for another week or two! Given that the amount of time between the first ruling and picking a child up from Taiwan is usually 4-8 weeks, things are moving quickly. Unfortunately C's travel dates are set in concrete, so we might not be able to pick her up as soon as absolutely possible. But waiting until the day after Memorial Day will probably be at most a delay of a week, and the Taiwanese agency will probably be okay with that. The courts could still surprise us and not make the final ruling for another month.
It just can't be easy - I know there are families out there with the bedroom perfectly organized, completely ready for their child to come home, who end up with the whole process dragging on for months. Meanwhile we are totally unprepared, are halfway through a kitchen remodel, are still going to get windows replaced, including a new window in Hsiu-Wen's room, and C will only be home for 6 days of the next five weeks. Well, at least I'll be able to keep busy while he is gone!
And suddenly this is seeming very real. I know there is still a chance the birthmother will change her mind, but it isn't very likely. While we've bought two bigger ticket items, they are both still in their boxes, just in case. We've held off on picking up a jogging stroller on craigslist. We didn't want to jinx anything. But I think we're getting beyond that finally!
The photo is from last week. As an extra bonus, we should be getting a medical update sometime in the next week. I'll post more when the new photos come in.
1 comment:
Hey - caught the news of your ruling. Congrats!
The indefinite travel dates are tough... which is how we ended up going early. At least you have lots to do to keep you occupied while you wait. Best of luck with the house project"S" as well!
Kevin & I-Chwen
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