I'm finally recovered from last week. That was busy! C hit the ground running Sunday morning, with a stop on the way home from the airport at a co-workers house to borrow some baby gear. Lots of baby gear!!! Car seat, toys, bassinet/play-yard, bouncy seat, collapsable stroller - wow. And accompanying advice on what works well, good resource books, etc. There are still things we'll need to buy, but another friend recommended Baby Bargains as a great book to get in and out of the baby stores efficiently.
Then we had a full week - a birthday party, getting out to a show, having dinner with a friend, selecting soapstone for our kitchen counters, touring a daycare and more. Oh, and spending two nights with our cats in a friend's spare bedroom, to escape the fumes from the newly refinished kitchen floor. I had thought C was leaving on Saturday morning, but on Wednesday discovered he was actually leaving on Friday. So much for the one peaceful evening I thought we would have together.
It's hard to believe that when C comes home, it may well be with our daughter - that Thursday night might have been our last night home, just the two of us. Mixed feelings, after wanting to be parents for so long, we're also recognizing that we're going to miss many aspects of our current life. Probably a good balance, to be excited about what it to come, still appreciating the wonderful almost 20 years we have enjoyed together.
C being away does open up his study for the constant shuffling of stuff. It will be probably another week or two before I can start putting things back in the living room/dining room/kitchen area, so much of the extra stuff in Hsiu-Wen's room needs to move into C's office. I shifted a few things in there yesterday, and was able to make enough room to put together the IKEA changing dresser we picked up a few weeks ago. First step towards making her room cozy and inviting.
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