We now have the bare bones of the nursery set up, enough to get us started. And a good assortment of clothes, towels and sheets. It was fun going through the clothes we have and picking out what to bring to Taipei. The assortment changed a little after checking the weather forecast. Predicted highs in the upper eighties, and lows in the upper seventies with a dew point of around 70F means minimal clothes for all of us! Except for the airplane, where we'll want some warmer outfits and can pull out the fleece. Yes, for all of us.
The crib deserves some explanation in itself. Our neighbors, offered it as a loan. Made by his father, their two kids both used it as well as one other kid. It's a beautiful piece of wordworking and already well blessed with three happy childhoods. It can only bring our daughter sweet dreams.
The quilt will not be going with us to Taiwan, but I had to show it off. An unexpected gift from an old friend with unknown talents - we'll definitely treasure it! And it fits in with the general jungle motif that seems to becoming our nursery theme. I haven't yet put up our tiger print from Laos, but as tigers are supposed to be guardians of children (by Chinese tradition) it should be added to brighten up the nursery.
I have most of my clothes pulled out as well, and have begun to put together the medicine chest recommended by the UW Adoption Clinic. It's quite the assortment of bottles, tubes and powders, even in the pared down version that I made. Hopefully we won't need any of them on our trip, although I'm sure the infant Tylenol and the various diaper creams will eventually come in handy. The irony is, I'll be carrying a greater volume of stuff for our little 16 lb girl than for myself. Even if you don't include the diapers!
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