Of course, we got the clothes a bit big, since Cara had just gone through a major growth spurt. Recently her growth has slowed down considerably, although she is still outgrowing clothes. Mysteriously enough, she doesn't seem to be growing into many of the new clothes. But we know she will eventually. Meanwhile we can roll up the sleeves a bit, tuck in the shirt and as long as she has something to carry, Cara is ready to go.

The New Year is also a time for family visits. C was off for the month on Feb on a work trip, but one of J's sisters in Ohio kindly volunteered to come to Seattle to help out and meet her neice. They had a good time together, and Auntie C enjoyed reading to Cara. The downside of the visit was that Cara grew increasingly fussy during her Aunt's visit and, unusually, woke up a few times in the middle of the night. We later discovered an emerging molar was the cause of all the unhappiness. But the visit was still a good one, and J appreciated the wonderful job her sister did cleaning up the yard.

C's dad also lent a helping hand and made a trip north to see his granddaughter. She was delighted to see him as always and enjoyed a few extra trips to the park. We took advantage of a sunny day and went to the zoo. Cara is still indifferent to most of the animals, finding looking at the other children much more interesting. But what she really enjoyed was getting to push her stroller. Better keep an eye on those car keys! Many thanks also to Grandpa F for his hard work finishing the new windows and trim in the living room.

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