The trip didn't get off to the best start. We thought we were being clever by leaving Seattle at Cara's bedtime, figuring she would sleep in the car and then be easily transported into the cabin to fall back asleep in her portable crib. We were right about sleeping in the car, but once in the cabin she was having none of going to sleep in this strange place. It was a long night. Luckily some people thought to bring earplugs.
We were all pretty tired the next day, although Cara gradually relaxed and started to enjoy herself in the cabin. The day's outing was pretty much limited to the area around the cabin where we did a few short sled runs, made snow angels and dragged Cara around on the back of the sled. She wasn't really sure what to make of this cold white stuff, especially on very little sleep. But we have a feeling she'll get more used to it.

Saturday night we all got some much needed sleep, and Cara even got a short nap on Sunday morning as we started to clear out of the cabin. After lunch we finally attempted our primary goal of the trip - to ski with Cara in her Chariot, the amazing multi-sport kid trailer. Mostly we've been using it as a bike trailer, but some friends lent us the ski attachment. It went together easily and we were soon gliding along, with Cara being pulled by her Dad.

And with Cara screaming. She just wasn't a happy camper in her snug little pod. We skiied for a bit more, trying to go faster, find some hills, anything... And just as we were about to turn around to go back to the car, she fell asleep. So C and I had a nice little ski tour along the river and got back to the car just as Cara was waking up.
Being back in the car was a huge improvement as far as Cara was concerned. She had a snack and fell soundly asleep for most of the ride home.

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