It was a few more weeks before we got Cara out for another hike. C was busy with work, but Cara's Auntie D was more that happy to join an outing to a mountain lake. The weather was finally warming up and, given that it was the first week of August, we were pretty certain the area would be snow free.
Cara's timing was impeccable. The drive was slightly longer than she really wanted, but just as her complaints about being stuck in her car seat were getting a little loud, we turned off the main road onto a gravel road. The bumps and rattles kept her amused for the next fifteen minutes, until we stopped at the trail head, unloaded and prepared for the long hike ahead -a whole mile!

Cara is always eager to get into her backpack at the trail head, but once we're actually moving she realizes that she would much prefer to walk. Less than 1/4 mile from the trail head Cara made it very clear she wanted to be on her own two feet. She scampered along for the next half mile. We found various ways of entertaining her on the trail including playing hide and go seek and jumping off logs. Her energy flagged a little at the last uphill section. Sensing that the lake was near and that it was almost lunch time, J carried Cara for the last rocky, rooty wet 1/4 mile down to the lake.

Some lunch in the sun restored all our spirits. Cara enjoyed her own crackers and cheese, but thought Auntie D's lunch look pretty good, too! After we all ate enough, the lake beckoned Cara. The first dip in was a little chilly on her feet, but she soon discovered the joys of dropping rocks into the water and seeing them splash. Even better was the mud! The mud was slightly warmed by the sun, and Cara had a fine time smearing it around, gushing it between her toes and bringing Auntie D handfuls. She is very conscientious about sharing!

Eventually we had to pack up and head back down the trail. J expected Cara to tire quickly, given all the playing on the lake shore. But Cara was happy to walk and run down much of the trail. She eventually tired and consented to being carried, dozing off
for the last five minutes or so of the trail. Worn out from all the excitement, she slept for the whole drive home. Another busy day for our Northwest hiking girl!
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