Cara got a double dose this year for Fathers' Day, celebrating with her daddy and also her grandpa. What a treat! Grandma and Grandpa drove up from California with a trunk full of goodies for our little girl. They were clearing out C's childhood treasures, including matchbox cars and tinkertoys that will wait for a while before Cara is old enough to play with them. The rocking chair, however, was an immediate hit.
Cara clearly remembered her grandma and grandpa, enjoying the extra attention and audience.

For Fathers' Day itself, we all set off for the waterfront portion of the Arboretum, hoping to enjoy views of some boats and maybe feed some ducks. Cara walked most of the way out to the waterfront portion of the park where we had a picnic lunch overlooking Lake Washington. A few friendly dogs allowed Cara to pet them, a real treat.
On the walk back we stopped at a pond to feed some ducks (grain, not Cara's crackers). Cara was both fascinated and scared by the ducks with their big beaks. Mostly she kept her distance (and the ducks theirs), but she was definitely tempted to try to touch them. All in all the outing was a fun way spend time with dad and grandpa!

The visit with Grandma and Grandpa went way too fast. Grandpa helped out with our ongoing efforts to finish the window interiors, and Grandma helped me find curtain fabric for Cara's room. Not that I'll have time to make the curtains anytime soon, but we have some lovely fish fabric now.

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