Cara learning to walk hasn't been nearly as binary a process as her starting to crawl was. She started taking steps in mid-November but then gave it up for a bit. Perhaps crawling is just too easy for her. But with a respite from teething and being sick, she started up again in mid-December. Some days will be 90% crawling, other days she's in a walking mood and will toddle her way around, usually with something in her hand. Which is, of course, one of the major benefits to walking!

Falling is a natural result of learning to walk. But Cara is an easy-going girl and falls usually just result in a brief pause and return to crawling. Most of her falls are down on her butt and no cause for concern, but she has taken a few headers which means we need to be a little more cautious about what sharp edges are around that she could whack her head on. We are a little concerned about the 30" high dining room table as Cara was 29" a month ago, and growing fast. We may need to keep chairs positioned strategically near the corners.

Cara also suddenly decided that she knew how to go down stairs as well as up. We had shown her how to go down safely (not head-first, which appears to be the instinct) but she would at most go down one or two stairs before deciding either that up was where she really wanted to go, or having mommy or daddy carry her down was the preferred situation. But then one day she set off down the stairs (with careful spotting by mom). Okay, next skill - let's practice the scrunchy smile!